ColdHope's Profile

Joined on Apr 18, 2013
Status Level: Experienced
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
ColdHope's Quizzes
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ColdHope's Recent Posts
"Hewoo my peoples "
"Oh my gosh you have earned my support i hope you feel better soon :) :3"
"I swear I have no idea who hacked my account and I cannot believe kiersten cussed gosh @-@"
"It was 569220 but I just changed it"
"Get off of my acount!!!!! I just got out of the shower and Kiersten showed me this p.s. Kiersten don't cuss oh my goodness"
"Fine. I love messing with people."
"Who's this Alyssa you speak of?"
"This account will be given back to GA. I'm just messinv with her account to see what she does. >:-)"
"Don't worry. I didn't change the password. I'm just playing with it."
"Randomness is fun. This account has been hacked."
"I assure you that this is not an April Fools joke. This is a real hack."
"I hope you have a wonderful April Fools Day, ColdHope."
"Oh yeeeeaaaaaaah I remember that episode it was crazy "
"APRIL FOOLS !!!!!!!!!!!:3 (You guessed too early dead but good job) I can't p"
"Penguin "
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