Coco Bandicoot's Profile
Coco Bandicoot
Joined on Dec 9, 2010
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
14-Year Club
Coco Bandicoot's Quizzes
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Coco Bandicoot's Recent Posts
"I ment December 23. Typo."
"I have a Christmas play on December 22. I'm playing an elf and I have to sing. I have to wear red boots,red dress with white fluffy at the b..."
"I also like a bit of Beethoven."
"Bands: Paramore Flyleaf WBTBWB KAT-TUN Other stuff"
"What do you mean,Ellis?"
"Eh,I don't really like it."
"Yeah,I did stuff like that about 3 times. I just either pictured everyone naked or just pretend I'm the only one there."
"Or pretend nobody is there. And it's just you."
"Done it about 3 times. Don't worry. Just picture everyone naked...exepct you."
"lllm,stop being so mean to Claire,what did she do to you?"
"Claire,you are pretty. :)"
"I'm a girl. I like rock and pop music."
Coco Bandicoot's Recent Quiz Comments
"Shy and mysterious. Cool! And the story sounded sweet. :)"