Cocky Monster's Profile
Cocky Monster
Joined on Nov 28, 2010
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
14-Year Club
Cocky Monster's Quizzes
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Cocky Monster's Recent Posts
"*Gives crushing hug to everyone then walks out*"
"I. Have. Arrived. :P"
"Best username - Tomboykaitie Worst Username - Tomboykaitie Most Annoying User - Tomboykaitie Coolest User - Tomboykaiti"
"You called? xD"
"(Tbk: I gtg! Byes!)"
"Black, and it kinda reminds me of pubic hair .___."
"Pfft! What!? Oh heeeeeeeeeeelll nugh! NUTS is my boyfriend."
">>; I want my boyfriend."
"I'M NOT IN A CAR! Wait. Now this is more my style... *Whips hair back and forth*"
"Awugha! *Tries to run back to cage*"
"*Shakes ass anyway*"
"If I shake my ass too, will you let me free?"
" I can't be tamed! "
Cocky Monster's Recent Quiz Comments
"Tik Tok - Kesha ^^ 10/10 good quiz Biance!"