cmpunkie12345678's Profile


Joined on Sep 23, 2015
Status Level: Junior

Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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cmpunkie12345678's Quizzes

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cmpunkie12345678's Recent Posts

  • ~Official Thread~
    "No, I didn't give this one back O.O Joooooooooosssshhhhh (If I remember correctly that's your name)"
  • Fading Worlds
    "(Sorry about not responding ;o;) Chris paused for a moment and waited to see if anyone else was up and he realized that they "
  • "Nuuu"
  • "I made it :3"
  • So empty...
    "I just made it back from downstairs, I'm a ninja :D"
  • "The first two steps squeak really bad"
  • So empty...
    "xP Jesse: Sorry, trying to level this one up so I can use it more. Same with some of the others :3"
  • So empty...
    "Awh :o Dream: Let Jesse dream :3"
  • My Writing Stuff
    "(Should I continue?) I dont even know why Im writing this, but I guess this is what prison does to you. Maybe I should explai"
  • So empty...
    "When is your Spring Break ending? :o"
  • "I'm going to watch some Agame ga Kill"
  • Zaxx
    "Good point :P"
  • Otaku's Q and A-
    "^~^ You know me :3 Awh, I hope your okay ;-; Me either"
  • Otaku's Q and A-
    "Do you know who I am? How have you been? Do you know where Cheese is? :o"
  • Zaxx
    "Ah, I understand DSI is better than nothing :3 I'll send you one of the spare phones my dad bought really cheap at a pawn shop. (I'l"

cmpunkie12345678's Recent Quiz Comments
