Cloudy_Dxys's Profile

Joined on Apr 13, 2021
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
3-Year Club
Cloudy_Dxys's Quizzes
- Shout Out Quiz![published: May 05, 2021, 14 comments]
I hope you enjoyed! Make sure to comment and rate! I will try and make another one soon, adding in more people!……
Cloudy_Dxys's Recent Posts
"is fine lol i’ll probably figure smth else out for it"
"wish i could find some better pics tho :’)"
"it's fine lol eh, i don't like doing yoga ^^' i had to do it a ton in gym last yr and it was boring and painful lmaoo"
"(it sounds pretty crappy since i've still got a bit of a cold lol) ``What're you thinkin' for breakfast?`` Clay asked George, r"
"(np :') yea, i made some recordings and put 'em on here in the lounge) Clay smiled, turning and walking into the kitchen."
"(you're good :) aw, hope you feel better :') i'm alr, just been bored lol also, probably done messed up my voice from belt"
"(im too lazy to do the spread out thing lol) yeah, but it's blocked on there as well :')"
"i t ' s b l o c k e d o n m y "
"b o r e d u h m k i n d a w a "
"aNd I'm lIvInG aNd LoViNg mY LiFe bY ThE sEa- yesh :') i didn'y even get to go to disney (went up to florida cus most my "
"``Definitely,`` she said with a chuckle, nodding."
"( lmao you gud summer ) ``Okay, well it can look like that,`` Cyd said, rolling her eyes. ``Just know I don't have a cru"
Cloudy_Dxys's Recent Quiz Comments
"np!! :3"
In response to Elly1Everything:
"Thank you! I woved it!"
2 -
"Yw!! :DD"
In response to Cinna_:
":DD tysm! Same to you :3"
2 -
"n i c e :D"
In response to June_Roses:
"Yay ty! :D
Imma make us a RP rn uwu"3 -
"No problemo! :DD"
In response to derecho:
"Thank you so much!
Same to you :D"2 -
In response to ItsBrycen:
"Noice, first comment."
2 -
"Marriage zone lmao
Pog quiz!"1 -
"Gotta 64%
Also, fIrSt cOmMeNt :3"1 reply2 -
Ty, Cinna!! :D"1 reply3