Ciriea2's Profile

Joined on Nov 7, 2012
Status Level: Novice
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Ciriea2's Quizzes
- What Thanksgiving Meal Are You?[published: Nov 14, 2012, 1 comment]
There are Tons of Different Foods that are piled high on the table on thanksgiving...I put a few……
Ciriea2's Recent Posts
"Whatever, f--- this, believe what you want to believe and before I leave let me tell you where my mind is at now..... "
"Now who said i was going to start on her? Now you're just making acusations"
"Lemme' back a're a lesbian?"
"Yeah, she did, like I said, I don't care wether or not that you believe me. I didn't come here to be accepted by you..."
"That, m'am, was my brother...he's sensitive about what happend to our parents and when they started telling him to go die it must have hit a..."
"No, I'm not uncaring- I just don't feel that we should cry about every little thing! I also May and will not ever meet anyone from the inter..."
"Okay, then, I'm insensitive in your eyes...Whatever...."
"Well the fact that you think i'm alittle girl is also wrong don't see me crying about it...."
"Well, guess what, I ain't angery and I ain't no troll! So suck it jeff brody!"
"You make no sense....I think he's a "suck ass" loser..opinion is it not?"
"Okay, then, That's your opinion...I don't care...Your some suck ass loser that's fighting in a battle they aren't apart of at all and was as..."
"Trick: Everyone is intitled to their own opinion, dear."
"You would want to be a non-exsiting creature...wouldn't you?"
"Lots of times I make mistakes and over look them...I'm typing fast on small the math..."
"Yeah, cuz unlike you dweebs I don't think it's nessisary to run over and spell check everything..."
Ciriea2's Recent Quiz Comments
"Cool, I got 1990, It's pretty damn acurate expecialy considering i was born in the 90's also check out my holliday quiz called…"