CinnamonRoll's Profile

Joined on Jun 3, 2020
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
CinnamonRoll's Quizzes
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CinnamonRoll's Recent Posts
"Twins :0 Also, can I call you Cinna? Just sounds cute to me lol"
"2020 would soon be replaced by a glorious year the people cheered and laughed "2021 is almost here" But when the clock struck mi"
"Did a lot of art and figured out image display, sort of ❤"
"This is adorable omg"
"Sleepy aesthetic <3"
"This is Spice's bf, she just told me about the site. How dare you break her trust smh >:("
"My flashcards say "Auluvin is a..." 'Kay, not gonna read that."
"Come on, guys, please don't fight! I don't get to go out often and I just wanted to spend some time with my friends."
"Come on, Elincia! We're all waiting for ya."
"Of course not! You belong here with us. We love you! Well, most of us."
"I'm here too! I'm kind of looking after Trundle so he doesn't hurt himself ^^"
"XD Yes I'm Spice. I'll post in that account to confirm."
"🎉 New Account 🎉"
"I'm actually really surprised no one's used this account name before."
"I was already making this account when you posted. It's like you predicted it :0"
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