CiNdY x's Profile

CiNdY x
Joined on Aug 12, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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" XD srry I was just kidding BTW you are fine. Maybe coincidence? Idk"
"Jessica rolled up in her car and got out with a stack of newspapers in her hand and she walked up to the door and entered. As soon as she en..."
"I hate you BTW so hi"
"It was dead before you came"
"Jessica sighed and said"well that's it for the night byeeeee" Jessica left. night two down start night three whenever you are ready..."
" its not so BEATIFUL for me shadow"
"*sighs* not for me"
"Jessica looked confused and said "why don't you want him to go to jail? He killed you!""
"because I hate life"
"Jessica looked over to avery and said "why?""
"I cry alot I mean like every time I go to the bathroom I cry I guess I'm just a little baby but ya know who cares keep talking"
"its a very dark secret are you sure you want me to tell?"
"I have a secret to tell"
"She stood up and started pacing and said"hm what to do what to do""
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