Chosovi's Profile

Joined on Jul 5, 2013
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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Chosovi's Recent Posts
"*slips her clothes on, laughing softly* S-sorry. Does that make up for kissing that other person? Taylor: Put it onnnn. "
"Ryder: Heh, yeah. From what I've heard, seems like she didn't like Angel to much- *stops* I'm sorry. Janette: *sighs* Angel "
"I guess thats good....*blinks at Levian, head tilting again* I guess you are a prince, like Reea? I'm Chosovi."
"Ryder: So are you going to listen to Angel and stay away from that bunch? They seem like nothing but trouble. *smiles a bit* But then, our f..."
"*stands on her toes, glancing around* ...Its quite big. Do all the rooms have people in them?"
"Ryder: He's going to kill himself with that spear. *sighs*"
"*stays silent for a few more minutes* As long as she tried, I don't believe it matters."
"*smiles and nods* *can't think of anything to say, so just stands there, clinging to Reea's hand*"
"Ryder: *shrugs* Sorry. I didn't mean to, I was just mad. And Mom got on to me for that anyways."
"*little bow* You must be Queen Dark. Nice to meet you, your highness. *still holding onto Reea's hand*"
"Harriett: Hmp. *starms off to her room* Ryder: It couldn't have hurt him. Its not destructive fire. It gives off no heat, on"
"Yes. Anything to get out for a bit. *kind smile* And they can't be that weird."
"Harriett: You do know where he is. Ryder: Heh...I do that sometimes."
"*laughs softly* So, can you take me to see your home? I have not left the castle grounds for over a month..."
"Harriett: *huffs* Liar. Janette: Yeah...Ryder told me she set him on fire. *laughs* Ryder: Only because he w"
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