Chili's Profile

Joined on May 23, 2023
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
1-Year Club
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Chili's Recent Posts
"Pfp is stuck on this one, too."
"1:30pm I took my anxiety meds..."
"My phone is dying. I've been up all night. Pathetic..."
"I feel like anxiety will be the death of me. There's just no escape."
"I at least know not to trust in others. At the end of the day, I know only a few people will actually be here for me, but if they can't, the..."
"The thoughts return when I'm alone."
"I haven't gotten a minute of sleep... I guess this is okay."
"My heart doesn't feel okay. Its not beating normally..."
"She's not here anymore. I can't talk to her. I have no one. When the house is quiet and everyone is asleep at night, it's just me. I used to..."
"Ooo, an uninhabited thread."
"I don't like the thoughts I'm having. I feel like I deserve punishment even though I don't even know what I did if anything."
"What did I do, though?"
"When people suddenly stop talking to me, I'm always afraid I've done something wrong."
"Anxiety is destroying me, today. It was like every attempt I made to talk to them was ignored. Now I wonder if I did something wrong, last n..."
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