ChildofLight's Profile
Joined on Jul 23, 2014
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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ChildofLight's Recent Posts
"We're to find a boat. We may learn something from sailing around."
"I suppose that eight is a lot."
"But something's wrong with the other seven crystals. We need to figure it out."
"Think of it like this. Water is necessary for life. Now think of the crystals like water. They're necessary for this world's life."
"The crystals sustain the balance of this world."
"It's the will of the Crystals. We're not entirely sure of the reasoning yet ourselves.. But something is going on."
"But why what? Why do we need to travel?"
"Arc's the only one that hasn't woken up. I guess I'll need to wake him up."
"There's a dragon here? Ingus: It seems to be that way. We need to find Arc and Refia. We shouldn't have let them wander."
"No problem."
"Sometimes fun is something to put to the side."
"Can I do anything in return?"
"Thank you for both the compliment and the help."
"That is careless. Very useful? You bought food? Weapons? Clothing?"
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