chickenwaffle's Profile
Joined on Dec 17, 2013
Status Level: Novice
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11-Year Club
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chickenwaffle's Recent Posts
"Im terribly sorry to interupt but Zf16 how is Deanna going? I havent heard anything from her in a while is everything okay with you two?))"
"You guys shouldn't be doing that. If my boyfriend did that with you I'd be mad. DC is one of my best friends and if she saw you doing this s..."
"I really do. xD but seriously, It will make you love breakfast desserts. [no urls]"
"I want waffles."
"Keturah and bacon"
"not according to your time stamp"
"Dannylover321 and a ham sandwich"
"@jr XD ok. Tiye want's to know if you're going to email her"
"@mark well I've tried talking to your brother and he either ignores me. Or indirectly insults me @jr I'm just trying to have "
"@jet my name is not Mcq"
"@mark what is your problem?"
"Your name is jr right?"
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