cherrypopstar567's Profile
Joined on Dec 7, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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cherrypopstar567's Recent Quiz Comments
"Your Results are....57%
I have lived in NC for my whole life. This quiz is inaccurate."
1 -
"Your Result: Something Supernatural 80%
You can't see it... but it can see you! It wants something that involves you. It's always…"
1 -
"I saved my little brother from drowning this summer."
2 -
"50/50 my class is probaly the craziest class in the world.Plus id NEVER fall asleep in class"
1 -
"Nice quiz. My anwser was accurate because i'm not old enough to have a boyfriend yet"
1 -
"Niall. I was pretty sure I'd get that because I took several different quizzes and I got Niall for all of them."