cheacko's Profile
Joined on Dec 10, 2010
Status Level: Newbie
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14-Year Club
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cheacko's Recent Posts
"We have uniforms, were a public school, how totally lame! they suck"
"They used to be cool, and now there just stupid."
"none of the above. they all are ugly. sorry :("
"It is coming soon, January 3rd, idk about you but Tvo is just dieing to record it for me. I cant wait. -A!"
"Im a girl i always get asked out, and by who i want to ask me out. If the one i really wanted didnt ask me, then someone else would, so its ..."
"That sucks, eat a gallon of ice cream, feel like crap, go to the gym and work your butt off, feel all sexy, then be unlonely. Atleast thats ..."
"Running is way better! I got legs of a model!"
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