Chantal's Profile

Joined on Feb 19, 2014
Status Level: Novice

Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
100 Quiz
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Chantal's Quizzes

  • How much of a poet are you?
    [published: Feb 22, 2014]

    There are many writers in the world, but few of them have been gifted with the ability to write……

Chantal's Recent Posts

  • Breaking GTQ Rules
    "My friend just wanted me to report you hackers on here, since it's breaking the rules. I'm sorry, Night_Owl, you may not have a habit if hac..."
  • Breaking GTQ Rules
    "Under the suggestion of a good friend, I am reporting Night_Owl and The Geek, since Night_Owl has a habit of trying to hack into someone els..."
  • The Geek
    "I can't let you hack into someone whenever you feel like it; it's mean. Hack into me if you'd like; I'm leaving GoToQuiz, and I'm never comi..."
  • Chantel
    "I've been trying to set an account pic all afternoon; any advice on how to?"
  • Chantel
    "I did. Now you know, you aren't supposed to hack into someone's account, but I'll forgive you this one time. Just don't do it to me again. G..."
  • Chantel
    "See? Under your level up bar, there should be a button that says something like "change your password". Hurry up and do that."
  • Chantel
    "*gulp* OK, I thought it might have been The Geek, since he and I had this conversation earlier, and he threatened to hack me. How do I chang..."
  • Chantel
    "OK, why did someone *angry glare at someone* hack into me?"
  • Chantel
  • Chantel
    "Yeah-well, I'm homeschooled, and I still have a few classes left, but I'm on break right now. What's up?"
  • Chantel
    "Hi?... What about me?"
  • New poll
    "Here's my new poll: [poll.gFq]"
  • The Geek
    "Yikes! OK, Geek, I'll quiet down."
  • The Geek
    "Because kittens made a quiz telling all about it, and said that is was The Geek. I dunno, I'm just being supportive of kittens...."
  • The Geek
    "If you are The Geek, you had better apologize to Kittens; you hacked into her account and that wasn't nice of you AT ALL>"

Chantal's Recent Quiz Comments
