Chalchiutlicue's Profile

Joined on Jul 9, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
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Chalchiutlicue's Recent Posts
"If it makes you feel better, Lizard man, she bet a vague amount of time"
"He brought you here? Why?!"
"It seems to be a habit of his"
"The big lizard gets bored often. When he does, he pulls more beings into this dimension of his"
"Icky and Huey"
"I do miss the others"
"I don't think you understand the meaning of humble"
"So you call yourself hot? Not very modest like"
"So your hot blooded"
"The things that keep me warm are these Poppies sewn onto my outfit. It keeps a cold blooded spirit like myself from passing out from the col..."
"Come again?"
"I'm good. The big guy likes to keep it cold in his dimension, but I keep warm enough"
"Hello there. You a friend of the big lizard?"
"Hey, there's crickets out now. That's better"
"Welcome back"
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