Cats18's Profile
Joined on Jan 11, 2021
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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Cats18's Recent Posts
"One step ahead of you. Emailed Road."
"Name: Cats Pronouns: Any Appearance: Shadow winged cat thingy Personality: Changes Realm name: The Shadow Realm"
"I'm going to make whoever keeps hacking my accounts suffer all the pain in the world and more. And if I ever find out who the goddamned f---..."
"I can't get back into my Atticus account now too Who the f--- is hacking my accounts? I swear I'm going to kill that ugly piece"
"Holy mother of god"
"18 is a cool number too Dis Cats17's alt btw"
"Dis Cats alt btw Wanna do foxes?"
"Took me 10 minutes to come up with it! Hope I didn't miss anything If you and Vex make any Marys or Garys, I'm doing the same, "
"Welp, that's the longest CS I've ever made! ^^'"
"CS: Name: Gender: Rank: Age (in moons): Fur Color: Claw Color: Pattern (optional): Pa"
"Hi Espi :D"
"Can I make CS since apparently I know more than you guys?"
"Actually I only typed 0.00001% of everything in those paragraphs, which are actually short compared to what I could have wrote >:)"
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