Catluver345's Profile
Joined on Dec 18, 2011
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
13-Year Club
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Catluver345's Recent Quiz Comments
"i got doctor but i want to be a vet but i guess that is a doctor."
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"i`m not going to drown! i`m an expert swimmer and i`m actual won a swimming contest in 9th grade!"
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You've had a real tough life so far and now your armpits are itching like crazy and you dont know why, but you know its…"
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"umm... poisoned by a cookie my mom would never do that!"
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"i got 48% brave okay i guess..........."
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"this quiz is funny. i got the one were the octoupus eats you."
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"hello i am the maker of this quiz. it's dedicated to my cat chloe, who is the most evil devilish nasty cat in the world :( anyway thank you…"