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Joined on Nov 20, 2016
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".. i.. don't know. (i gtg :T)"
"like i said, im not good with canonxoc things."
"uh.. hmm. idk."
"thanks i'll start (you know what? can the plot be slightly different like this? im a bit uncanny with canonxoc pairings: c1 (me)"
"Name: eliza schuyler (search the alexander hamilton screenplay!) Animal: a rabbit Age:24 Looks: brown rabbit with a white,"
"sure! sheet?"
"yes, yes i have!"
"i'll try it!"
"thank you! (so shes sortof like the.. medic or something?? idk.) anyways do we start after the others make their sheets?"
"*let me correct her powers to something useful: she can make figures out of solid objects with energy, which leeches out of her slowly"
"i like it!"
"sorry, forgot to ask! thank you for helping me correct it. *powers: she can make things out of anything except non solid materia"
"^^ please ignore above. i'll remake the sheet)) Name : rebecca louis Hero name : puppeteer Name meaning : puppeteer is b"
"Name: rebecca louis Hero name: the ventriloquist Name meaning: based off her powers, and the fact she's a ventriloquist to earn "
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