Captian Howdy's Profile

Captian Howdy
Joined on Jul 31, 2010
Status Level: Novice
14-Year Club
Captian Howdy's Quizzes
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Captian Howdy's Recent Posts
"holy sh1t dude...i use"
"ya its boring. i gtg later dude."
"dude roxanne is not realy new shes an older user,black rain i"
"i didnt think it was you i thought it was theses other chics.but i guess since it had the same name as your crush and the way you guys typed..."
"i think i know why lol :P XD"
"later dude."
"oh,i used to like this chic but i got over her not really into relation ships or anything."
"later dude."
"later vampire. @hikaru.oh,i only go to school so i wont be at home with my parents.i dont really like anyone at school."
"I have like this exam tomorrow,on math.My weakest subject,that I hate allot. I have no f---ing clue what I'll be next year."
"dude i wish there was no school sucks."
"sup sick. thats cool hikaru lol biance im dressed up as this weird monster dude."
"@hikaru.oh,that sucks i guess.i went alone literally i was the only one trick or treating. @biance.thats cool.i got like a tr"
" "
"@hikaru.LOL probably cause iys like 7:07PM here dude."
Captian Howdy's Recent Quiz Comments
"a kool quiz."