Captain Woomy's Profile

Captain Woomy
Joined on Jan 15, 2016
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
Captain Woomy's Quizzes
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Captain Woomy's Recent Posts
"And this has apparently turned into a miniature official thread."
"I've pretty much demonstrated why I'm the most immature person ever on my profile page. XD"
"Wow, this thread makes no sense anymore, just like me."
"My arm has a weird mark right on that area where you get shots, so it looks like I frequently inject some sort of drug into myself even thou..."
"I will now type things in various ways. Things ThInGs tHiNgS things THINGS tHings t"
"I miss... things."
"Somebody please tell me the point of my existence. @_@ Wow, that wasn't at all related to what I previously said."
"Now excuse me while I go talk to myself. Why does this captain name sound so... right?"
"Sorry, didn't mean to ditch you. Wow, when someone actually replies to one of my threads, I just ditch them five minutes later..."
"I missed 420 on here. Oops. So much for my plan to virtually blaze with you guys."
"I am the one and only."
"I would gladly incinerate them."
"I promise I'm friendly. :,("
"All he has to do is make a thread and type what he has to type. It's not hard. :P"
"If he was gonna shut the site down, wouldn't he announce when in the feedback and updates forum? That would make more sense than just emaili..."
Captain Woomy's Recent Quiz Comments
"Hm, I got winter. That's not a surprise. XD"