Captain Woomy's Profile


Captain Woomy
Joined on Jan 15, 2016
Status Level: Novice

Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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Captain Woomy's Quizzes

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Captain Woomy's Recent Posts

  • I'm bored.
    "And this has apparently turned into a miniature official thread."
  • I'm bored.
    "I've pretty much demonstrated why I'm the most immature person ever on my profile page. XD"
  • I'm bored.
    "Wow, this thread makes no sense anymore, just like me."
  • I'm bored.
    "My arm has a weird mark right on that area where you get shots, so it looks like I frequently inject some sort of drug into myself even thou..."
  • I'm bored.
    "I will now type things in various ways. Things ThInGs tHiNgS things THINGS tHings t"
  • I'm bored.
    "I miss... things."
  • I'm bored.
    "Somebody please tell me the point of my existence. @_@ Wow, that wasn't at all related to what I previously said."
  • I'm bored.
    "Now excuse me while I go talk to myself. Why does this captain name sound so... right?"
  • I'm bored.
    "Sorry, didn't mean to ditch you. Wow, when someone actually replies to one of my threads, I just ditch them five minutes later..."
  • I'm bored.
    "I missed 420 on here. Oops. So much for my plan to virtually blaze with you guys."
  • I'm bored.
    "I am the one and only."
  • "I would gladly incinerate them."
  • I'm bored.
    "I promise I'm friendly. :,("
  • "All he has to do is make a thread and type what he has to type. It's not hard. :P"
  • "If he was gonna shut the site down, wouldn't he announce when in the feedback and updates forum? That would make more sense than just emaili..."

Captain Woomy's Recent Quiz Comments
