What season are you most suited to?

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There are four seasons in a year, that practically everyone is familiar with. These seasons are: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. With each season, comes a different time of year, and a change of weather.

So, please take this quiz to find out which season you are most suited to. You may be surprised to find out that your result is completely the opposite of what you thought. For example, if you think that instantly, before you even take this quiz, that your supposedly suited season is Summer, then after the quiz, you see your results and it is actually Winter. I hope you enjoy this quiz, I took quite some time to make this one and I don't normally make big quizzes like this.

Created by: 666Darkness

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. This is a quiz that will determine which season you are most suited to.
  2. The way you answer the questions will affect your result. Good luck.
  3. What is your most preferred thing to do in your spare time, out of the following?
  4. What symbol do you like best out of the following?
  5. What is your preferred type of weather?
  6. Do you like to spend more time outside, or spend time inside?
  7. What type of drink do you prefer out of the given choices?
  8. What are your preferred types of colours?
  9. Final question, this won't affect your results. What is your favourite season?
  10. Goodbye, click the submit button to see your results!

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Quiz topic: What season am I most suited to?