CaptainRoxley's Profile
Joined on Jan 20, 2016
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
CaptainRoxley's Quizzes
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"Oh. Well what do you like? I can probably try to make one"
"Do you have a plot?"
"Sure you may. Do you have a plot, 521?"
"I don't have a plot. Anyone?"
"Bump and Not it.)"
"Name: Shannon Tyler Age: 15 Gender: female Looks: She has long light brown hair reaching the middle of her back, bangs "
"Okay. I'll make mine in a bit."
"'kay. Need a character sheet?"
"Okay ^^ Pairing? Or shall we just let the characters we make decide that? ^~^"
"C1 is orphaned and sent to an orphanage. He/she is adopted by the parents of C2. C1 and C2 hate each other at first and are always fighting ..."
"Sure ^~^ Give me some time to find the plot."
"Anyone? I may have a plot. If I say no though, go away please."
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