CandyCrush14's Profile

Joined on Oct 14, 2015
Status Level: Novice
CandyCrush14's Quizzes
- Would I date you?(boys only)[published: Oct 17, 2015, 1 comment]
Let's see if you could date me....not that you can your an internet stranger. Also this ia for boys……
- should we be friends?[published: Oct 15, 2015]
Welcome! Please try and see how well of friends we could be! I am sure it will work out...this explains……
- what kind of candy are you?[published: Oct 14, 2015, 3 comments]
This is a quiz to find out what kind of candy you are...not that anyone will eat you...just for……
CandyCrush14's Recent Posts
"Your joking right? Try isis"
"Get well soon its no fun Being sick."
"Survivor Criminal mines Ncis Stalker Blue bloods Mlp Sponge bob squar pants Csi For"
"The twilight saga. For real what the hefk is this junk"
"I hate vampire and magic shows"
"My life is american slice... sharp chedder is good to :) yummmmmmyyy!!!!!!!!"
"Hot coco !!!"
"Nutin right now."
"Usily I would make an mlp thread but... candy tast better. So hi!"
CandyCrush14's Recent Quiz Comments
"Twigwisker is a cute name.
Yay! Can we be friends we both seem to like mlp and warriors"
1 -
"Fluttershy? Oh well I like dashie beter but this is good to!"
2 -
"Never herd if friday the 13th"
1 -
"Number 2 was at least 4100 so I got a bad resukt cause younhad wring awnsers .....darnthis smal phine screen sorry."
1 -
"Doctor wasnt if the list... got teacher.... darn with the economy today this isbt a fun job."
1 -
"Got Christmas.....yaya! Santa and thw easter bunny are not real....sorry but I know Christmas is Jesus's birthday and Easter is the day…"
1 -
"Did my own quiz. Lol"
1 -
"Err 86% hey that was fun! America is a has a contry in it called I love the usa."
1 -
"That was ohm interesting? And cute"
1 -
"My. Couny is best! Been i n jt my hole life. He awnser I got from the quiz was prety strait forward. Good job"