Cactus's Profile

Joined on Jul 4, 2020
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
Cactus's Quizzes
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Cactus's Recent Posts
"Good evening, m'lady! Farewell until we meet again."
"Undoubtedly, madam! I find that the Lady of Spices does not use me as much as she should."
"How infuriating!"
"I do indeed, m'lady. I see love in many places and I feel a true love given to me on occasion. Humans are not capable of the truest love, bu..."
"Yes, I am! I haven't had one in some time."
"Hello, m'lady! How art thou?"
"I have returned! It seems that there was always a little part of Spice that I resided in. I bid m'ladies a good evening, or whatever other t..."
"Yes, it was I all along. I'm good at RPing with myself and being sneaky, so I thought I'd use an old account that I wanted to use for the ol..."
"Surprised, are you?"
"Fare well, good citizens."
"Sad? What for? There are many things to be happy about. I am me and can do as I wish."
"Some phrases that strike odd emotions in me are "A little more than happy", "I think I'm in love", and "For you"."
"Am I, Cactus, simply a character with fancy speech and polite manners? Or is this a branch of myself that I had yet to discover?"
""A little more than happy" For some reason, this collection of words makes me feel an emotion that doesn't exist."
"The flow of a pencil, the smallest gesture or shift, a softly strummed chord. These are expressions as well."
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