Butterfinger's Profile

Joined on Oct 10, 2014
Status Level: Novice
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Butterfinger's Quizzes
- Would I date you? GUYS ONLY![published: Oct 13, 2014, 16 comments]
Hi. My names Jorden. I have blue-grey eyes, brown hair with purple underneath, I play volleyball,……
Butterfinger's Recent Posts
"No. I shall not bow down."
"I'm going with a big group of friends."
"Poison Ivy from The Dark Night."
"Poison Ivy from Batman."
"Thank you CX Hello."
"Its Halloween here now."
"I've liked a straight girl once. Then, I realised how pointless it was."
"Black leggings Gigantic U.S.A T-shirt Mustache socks."
"XD Right!"
Butterfinger's Recent Quiz Comments
"I don't care if girls take this. I'm bi so..."
1 -
1 -
"409 people took this quiz. What the hell."
1 -
"Emo. I'm not emo."
1 -
"I got emo."
1 -
1 -
"100% crazy"
1 -
"17+ but I'm 13!!"