Burrito Warrior's Profile
Burrito Warrior
Joined on Nov 27, 2013
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
Burrito Warrior's Quizzes
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Burrito Warrior's Recent Posts
"Currently trolling is uncoordinated and unsavoury. If we coordinated we could troll much more succesfully."
"ya, show em!"
"Joker, that is very poor trolling. But then like evrything you do, you're just joking around. Then you are a better troll tha"
"Perhaps orannge and blue?"
"They turn people against each other, 1 by 1. And by the time they are gone they have done irreversible damage."
"Go f--- a cheesy taco buttcrack."
"Or just make a f---ing multi, nacho b----."
"Tostito whore."
"How? Burritos are brilliant! And who said you can't have a mexican candy burrito?"
"I'm no spelling warrior, now suck a burrito."
"It's not a "the" it's a f---ing burrito."
"Suck that meat slut."
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