Burning Ambition's Profile


Burning Ambition
Joined on Dec 8, 2014
Status Level: Advanced

Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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Burning Ambition's Quizzes

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Burning Ambition's Recent Posts

  • "My bloodline is disappointing."
  • ""
  • Heph's thread
    "(hey heph i can't keep in character as izuna, but i found the password to my spirit albarn account... Wanna talk to him? :o)"
  • Heph's thread
    "It's great. You have someone you'd do anything for and they'd do anything for you."
  • Heph's thread
    "(ok) That'd be best. ...Do you have any family? I have a brother."
  • Heph's thread
    "It's a terrible power. (is izuna scary hep)"
  • Heph's thread
    "You gouge out the eyes and implant them. The only people with Sharingan and Mangekyou sharingan are the Uchiha. ...You're a "
  • Heph's thread
    "I see. That's unfortunate. There's a way around it.. You take some one else's Mangekyou for your own."
  • Heph's thread
    "Yes. That's interesting. Is there any downside to your ability? My eyes have two states. The second state is M"
  • Heph's thread
    "It is. That's quite different from my ocular power. My eyes allow me to read movements and effectively slow down time. I can cast my enemies..."
  • Heph's thread
    "...Really? That's interesting."
  • Heph's thread
    "(so mean) Uchiha Izuna. Optical prodigy? Do you have Sharingan?"
  • Heph's thread
    "(sight is bleghf) Hn."
  • Heph's thread
    "nope sight is terrible"
  • Heph's thread
    "yeh so all deh uchiha and nanashi are blinder tan u"

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