BTRluffer13's Profile

Joined on Dec 21, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
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12-Year Club
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"Ohh. I see. :p It was logged on this account on my iPad."
"Why not?"
"It freaks me out. But I've gotten it so many times, I'm used to it."
"xP course you did. And it did. I don't even lke Arcadia. :p"
"I smiled a little. "Can you go first? I'm a little.." I said the last part quietly. "scared.""
"xD. I just yelled "dammit" really loudly and my dad gave me the look."
""I didn't know that was there." I said."
"It's Ashley by the way. xP. And it was like thirty minutes form port Charlotte."
"I know. e.e Damn isn't even that bad either. It wa sin the Spongebob Squarepamts movie."
""Done what?" I walked in a little slowly."
"That happened one time. I went all the way to Arcadia."
"I quickly grabbed my things as Blake pulled me out the lunchroom."
"xD. Yeess. Ding it. I got in trouble for saying dang."
"DING IT I gotta spam before I troll. xP"
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