BrotherWolf's Profile
Joined on Jan 2, 2013
Status Level: Newbie
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12-Year Club
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"Alex did. :O Rain told me.. I have to go. T_T Bye :'D"
"T_T Fine-uh. *Puts crabs leg on plate*"
":0 Maybe if you call me Michelle and not Michelle Phan. 3:"
"Or would I? :0"
"Yeah. >:D There's but one left."
"Yeah. 3': But they're yummy. :')"
"Yeah. 3': But they're yummy. :')"
"Not really. 3: I miss Rain. The crabs are the only happy thing I've come across."
"The doctors are awesome too. They gave me a room all to myself and got me crab legs. :'D"
"I'm not good at face battles. ;A; .......I have no clue what your talking about. xP"
":) :D Which video game?"
"Ninjas b----. That's all it is. Her go to answer when she doesn't know. Off a video game. .-."
"Nothing..Something Rain made up Eh-wot. :D"
"V-V Ninjas b----. No. I'm just kidding. I don't really care. xP I just go along with the conversation."
"Uh-huh. :B Yeah. :E"
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