Bookwormy's Profile

Joined on Jul 17, 2012
Status Level: Junior

Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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Bookwormy's Recent Posts

  • Dodo.
    "Alright, alright, I'm going. I can already tell this website has some major idiots so I'm just happy you're going to explain it to me."
  • "That's fine, it happens. @Anri If they are best left unsaid.. then I do't understand why you said them. That's the problem ri"
  • "My apologies. I don't mean to remind you of someone who left. @Death. Thank you, it means very much to me. :3 Hi to you too. "
  • "Hi Dark. :3"
  • ":3 @Anri Well, I can do as I please. If I want to tell you people this, then I can do it. It explains my attitude most of the"
  • "-hug- Hi Alice.."
  • "Yeah, hi to you too."
  • "Hi, my name is Dodo. I'm partially Japanese but mainly American. At the moment I don't really speak my parent's native language, because the..."
  • "-sigh- For now I'm going to tell you that the man who takes care of me has been in some things, and they're not good. We've been hiding for ..."
  • "No one remembers me, huh? I.. Guess I'm not much amusement to people anymore. I guess I should return to my nightmare."
  • "A really, really long while. With everything my life has turned out to be, it's just really stressful for me. Also, since my "
  • I'm soooooo sorry.
    "Imitator? I have no idea who or what you're talking about."
  • I'm soooooo sorry.
    "I left for a while. Mittaro took me to his work and it was for a long time. I was way too tired to even come on here. :("
  • Konnichiwa.
    "It's pretty annoying, huh? x-D"
  • Konnichiwa.
    "I'm good, except my underwear fell into the toilet when I was changing, so it's bit wet ahaha. =P"

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