Bookwormy's Profile
Joined on Jul 17, 2012
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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Bookwormy's Recent Posts
"Alright, alright, I'm going. I can already tell this website has some major idiots so I'm just happy you're going to explain it to me."
"That's fine, it happens. @Anri If they are best left unsaid.. then I do't understand why you said them. That's the problem ri"
"My apologies. I don't mean to remind you of someone who left. @Death. Thank you, it means very much to me. :3 Hi to you too. "
"Hi Dark. :3"
":3 @Anri Well, I can do as I please. If I want to tell you people this, then I can do it. It explains my attitude most of the"
"-hug- Hi Alice.."
"Yeah, hi to you too."
"Hi, my name is Dodo. I'm partially Japanese but mainly American. At the moment I don't really speak my parent's native language, because the..."
"-sigh- For now I'm going to tell you that the man who takes care of me has been in some things, and they're not good. We've been hiding for ..."
"No one remembers me, huh? I.. Guess I'm not much amusement to people anymore. I guess I should return to my nightmare."
"A really, really long while. With everything my life has turned out to be, it's just really stressful for me. Also, since my "
"Imitator? I have no idea who or what you're talking about."
"I left for a while. Mittaro took me to his work and it was for a long time. I was way too tired to even come on here. :("
"It's pretty annoying, huh? x-D"
"I'm good, except my underwear fell into the toilet when I was changing, so it's bit wet ahaha. =P"
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