booknerd224's Profile

Joined on Jun 20, 2012
Status Level: Novice
booknerd224's Quizzes
- After Death Announcement[published: Aug 28, 2012, 2 comments]
If you have read After Death, and want more, I'm sorry. I may continue it on wattpad but I'm not sure……
- Are You A Ghost?[published: Aug 11, 2012, 16 comments]
There are many people in this world. And there are many people that have died. In fact, there are a lot more……
- After Death Part 5[published: Jul 26, 2012, 1 comment]
This is Part FIVE!My name is in the bottom right corner.Click on it if you have not read the others if you……
- After Death Part 4[published: Jul 22, 2012, 3 comments]
Hi!It's me again.This is part FOUR and if you haven't read the others, click on my name and take them!Wow it……
- After Death Part 3[published: Jul 18, 2012, 2 comments]
This is part THREE!If you have not read the others you might want to.Sorry if this is boring, I'll try REALLY……
- After Death part 2[published: Jul 16, 2012, 3 comments]
This is Part THREE!!!If you have not the others you should probably take them.Part Three Part Three Part……
- After Death part 1[published: Jul 14, 2012, 4 comments]
This is a story about life after death.This story has guys ;), Action >:), and drama:'( .This is my first……
booknerd224's Recent Posts
"9th grade."
"If you click the private box, it makes it so that it doesn't show up on the new quiz list. That way, only people who care enough to visit yo..."
"I don't know how I confused the names..."
">.> Not Twisted, Broken"
"Hello. @Twisted You're talking about the thread you made, right?"
"Day 10: Computer Web Design."
"I understand that Offbeat is for threads with no real catagory on here, but wasn't it originally for weird stuff, such as zombies, or aliens..."
"You have to be a Junior. And there's a little FAQ's thread answering that on this forum somewhere (I think it's still on the first page...)"
"Hello, stranger of the internet"
"Hello :). I'm kinda new to the forums (like, a week old :P), but have been in GTQ for a few months. People have called me booknerd, or just ..."
"Don't we have to do characters first?"
"Not really a horror person, but I'll give it a try."
"Day 9: Any shade of blue."
"Two girlfriends and he's raped someone before? In 7th grade?! Kids these days -_-. That's kinda scary.."
booknerd224's Recent Quiz Comments
"Dan, Phil, cute, British, American, plane, jet, millionare, pool, mansion, sky-diving, vacation, California, Smosh, funny, sunny, beach,…"
1 -
" That sucks. Do you remember any of the ideas in it? And don't worry about ranting too much, I don't think anyone minds much. I have an…"
2 -
"What specifically is your problem with her? Just wondering, if you hate her so much, what's the reasoning behind it? I'm tired of this all.…"
1 -
"O.O Oh wow...I.. I don't... Yeah, I think you get my shocked-ness. One thing at the back of my mind: How do they have different…"
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"13. I'm 14 and have been single my whole life -_-"
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1 -
"Grrrrrrr. I hate William. I don't even care that you're not even trying to make him look good XD. STOP INFLUENCING ME TO DO EVIL THINGS!…"
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"Ha, interesting quiz. I got 13%. I can be a designated driver, even though I can't drive :D"
1 -
"33%. I never really found a sport that suited me until last month(Unicycling is too a sport XD! If bicycling is counted as a sport, than…"
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"Grr, cliffhangers. It was about to get interesting too. At least, more interesting than the other tests Main took :P.
Hmph, how…"