blue and gold101's Profile
blue and gold101
Joined on May 9, 2013
Status Level: Newbie
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blue and gold101's Recent Quiz Comments
"ill try to loosen up..."
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"yeah really if boys liked me then maybe someone would actually talk to me"
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"Which Austin and Ally character are you?
Your Result: You are Ally! 88%You are Ally! You are a bit awkward at times, but you…"
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"The strangest quiz EVER! LLAMAS!
Your Result: LLAMA! 86%You are by far the greatest person ever! You're funny, fluffy, and…"
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"You are 60% awesomely awesome! 60%
You're pretty cool. I like your style! I bet you're thinking, "Why is this person so obsessed…"
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"perfect haha very funny..."
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"me 2:P"
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"What kind of Dragon are you ?
Your Result: Air Dragon 78%The air dragon is kind and passionate. It controls air and creates…"
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"Who would you date from the hunger games?
Your Result: Peeta 93%You're good at making compliments, which help boost Peetas…"