Blossom's Profile

Joined on May 5, 2014
Status Level: Novice
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Blossom's Quizzes
- Which Color Will Suit Your Nails?[published: May 05, 2014]
Hey! Nails are so awesome, right? Coloring our nails is a passion. Some peoples likes this and……
Blossom's Recent Posts
"Sended you a frnd req :)"
"okie wait.."
"Lol pls :P"
"I'm just bored -.- Hey broken loner ^^"
"Omigosh! Hey danny, sup? :O"
"Thank god someone came! *phewww* Hey Ul, what's up cutiee? :D"
"O.o this is gracious guys -_-"
"Peacock! Yay :D"
"Oh yeah kish :P"
"KIsh, me?"
Blossom's Recent Quiz Comments
"Awww! So sweet speecho. Thank you so much :)) Feeling great ^.^ And yeah, tell me; when are you going to visit India? :O :P I'm on the…"