BlondPinkLover's Profile

Joined on Jan 18, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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BlondPinkLover's Recent Posts
"he uzed mah accumt so surryz if he make fuz he knuks i am.butter.than him"
"i am ourrty, bkonde, und ruch u shuld like me urgh just gah r urgj kdlele iu"
"i kull u whut i wunfz cuz i puwertul and fam uzous so u do wat i whut in dhhrr TU DO UR poot poot. U klo puloz ur ty ty ty tyt y"
"nu k i am zo nut sluth i no whure zo back uffffff lo sur e"
"ductur pupper uz so mun in gonna gut you i am puwerful u.d so iz parunts so u gon pnshied"
"pL0x a gurl numed casey(muha) lives in bevs and she experuncie high skool kie nu other and she go thrugh wack adventure as ca"
"ductur pupper u wuld undrtusd me rit we purf peopz gut ta stuck togutheynf liek dudhdb"
"urk nu me byufriend juat dumped me 4 tis gurl numed aly murbevut wich iz sun stupz exchunge stududunt frumz france puris and is some bietch ..."
"huy boyz u knuw me casey the prutty blonde gurl that everybudy lieks"
"um no u no give no mure chance to tu gr8 and purf casey k bieshshshshshshshhss uhky ok surry i guss u r right i jut un periud"
"i have liek 20 frunz and ttut all wunt to go to hair salon with me kuz tuy my girl cruw and then we shop prada and furuver tunty uno"
"wat u munz liek lul i am casey ur big uezts funz r8"
"kan u plz nut be los u r"
"i tyope liek a pro so ggo fck u self k gurl i dut luzyz"
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