Blake Belladonna's Profile

Blake Belladonna
Joined on Apr 21, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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Blake Belladonna's Recent Posts
"A human, drawing another human with faunus traits because they think it's fun? That's racist."
"What is this friends name? They sound incredibly racist. I think they should explain themselves."
"Paige strikes again with the faunus racism"
"Kaiser you just called my mother a milf in front of your little sibling. What a role model. Never call my mother a milf again y"
"Please stop talking about my mother like that, you disgusting freaks."
"You're offering part of your faunus trait? Like it's trash?"
"I guess I'll join"
"You're not seriously going with a human,right?"
"Well, not right now, I'm just saying, in the past. Lemon, stay out of it. You're a human, we don't need your pity money. We can"
"So you guys won't march for faunus rights, but will march for this? Wow."
"Clover's daughter isn't a valid source, and Wisteria is too damn selfish to see past herself."
"You’re all just as bad as each other, you atlesian kids are A f---ing disgrace. You guys worship the ground ironwood walks and and he’s clea"
"Chill? Chill? Look at what they're doing, oppressing a whole race! You all are sick, and I hope you guys learn the hard way. Obviously you w..."
"You think I'm the bad one here? Paige is endorsing faunus racism, not that you guys would understand or care. Let's wait for an opinion from..."
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