BlackTealLaser's Profile
Joined on Jul 11, 2020
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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BlackTealLaser's Recent Posts
"I took a shower..."
"I feel hot. It's too warm."
"Some days I feel like Rosado. I must be the cutest."
"All I want in life is clothes and a nice job I enjoy."
"Shhhh 🤫"
"Not as hot as human Inuyasha, though. I'm an adamant simp for Inuyasha."
"Human Sesshomaru would be hot."
"Well, maybe not tonight. I don't have the interest."
"Gonna try out Palia once it's finished here."
"None of y'all were supposed to meet. Oopsies."
"We're going to ignore my male harem..."
"Bro's taking his sweet time."
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