Black Parader07's Profile
Black Parader07
Joined on Nov 26, 2011
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
13-Year Club
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Black Parader07's Recent Quiz Comments
"I'm too emo for my face, am I?
Well then yEs! I WILL go eat some godd*amned tacos, you stereotypical b*tch!"
1 -
"You are 68% Strange!
You are pretty darn strange. You're quirky and odd, and definitely not normal. But that's great--it makes you…"
2 -
"I've lived in Indiana for my whole life and I'm only 22% Hoosier!
Obviously the person that made this quiz doesn't know that all…"
1 reply0 -
"YES!! I got Bob, and he's like, my favorite. Even if he's not in the band anymore."