Black_tears's Profile
Joined on Dec 16, 2010
Status Level: Newbie
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14-Year Club
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"thanks for the help but i gtg to school. :D And run for my life."
"You kidding me? When hell freezes over xD i keep running and he chases me but i'm small so i just hide. xD"
"this only makes me wanna hit my head against the wall. xD When he told me, i didn't know what to say so i kinda just walked away. o.o"
"oh my...this is sad. :'("
"technically speaking there is multiple things to do. Like run around and scream or hide. Lol but i'm just guessing you mean the right thing ..."
"well we have a heck of a lot more in common then he does with her. But, i wouldn't feel right."
"okay so My best friend has a crush on this senior who likes to sit with us at lunch. So i was talking to him the other day and he said he li..."
"Peekaboo! i see's you! :D"
"who's AoD?"
"type faster numb nuts!"
"i don't think so xD do you like her too?"
"SWIMMER!!!!! with out a doubt i would bang her!"
"is it that death kid? :D he's so stupid! lol. i don't care if you have a boyfriend xD just makes you harder to get!"
"i'm not obsessed! i just think she's the most amazing thing! *Looks lovingly at her.*"
"=D i'm so happy now! you are like the most amazing person EVER to walk this earth!!!!! i love you! "
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