Bionca's Profile

Joined on Feb 6, 2012
Status Level: Novice

Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
100 Quiz
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Bionca's Quizzes

Bionca's Recent Posts

  • I'm leaving GTQ.
    "Please don't go. That will hurt all your friends here. Please stay for them."
  • What is Writer's block?
    "Please explain me."
  • ""
  • "http : // [no urls]"
  • "[no urls]"
  • "Dumped for worst enemy is better. If i ever got dumped for my best friend then i will consider my best friend as my worst enemy."
  • Hey ppl
    "@hail its ok. See guys the argument faded thats the power of animals."
  • Hey ppl
    "@kierra not at all disgusting. They are adorable. And i have 3cats and 1 dog now. I lost my 4th and youngest cat a week ago."
  • Hey ppl
    "@moon ditto"
  • Hey ppl
    "hey guys dont get me wrong. I'm vegetarian from birth and vegan by choice. This is just defending myself in the argument and i am a huge ani..."
  • Hey ppl
    "@kierra yes they are innocent but also disgusting."
  • Hey ppl
    "@moon kittens are the best"
  • Hey ppl
    "@kierra no way! Adults are beautiful and babies are disgusting"
  • Hey ppl
    "@N i agree with you"
  • Hey ppl
    "@kierra yes you can. @moon yes all animals are very cute. But cats are cuter than wolfs."

Bionca's Recent Quiz Comments
