bIess my Iight's Profile

bIess my Iight
Joined on Mar 20, 2023
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
2-Year Club
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bIess my Iight's Recent Posts
"I'm not actually Road, i apologize if i started any drama or confused anybody. It was not my original intention"
"Moderators can change the join dates"
"Yes but this is the real account The other one has capital b I am road from an alternative dimension"
"I am road!!!!!!!!!!! /J"
"We did a background check on him and turns out he is a dangerous raging criminal"
"Do you know who quizmaster12345 is"
"Hey, espie, you got a minute?"
"Hi Courtney how you doing"
"Guys, this isn't funny. We're going to start banning you."
"*jumping up and down hystericaly* whoop 〽"
"Hi 👋👋👋 "
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