Beth_la's Profile

Joined on Feb 12, 2012
Status Level: Novice
Beth_la's Quizzes
- Fly Free Part 2: Posy[published: Feb 18, 2012, 5 comments]
So this is Part Two of Fly Free. You can find part one under the title Fly Free Chapter 1 This is a……
- Fly Free Chapter 1[published: Feb 17, 2012, 9 comments]
Like some quizzes on this site, this is a story. This is the first part of the story. It's also my first……
- If We Could, Would We Be Freinds?[published: Feb 12, 2012]
Um, see if you could be friends with me IF we ever met. Which we won't so... [these are words.……
Beth_la's Recent Posts
"Edits Black's father's name is Sliver, i forgot X3"
"I used to be anti-gay/bi but i've changed. I consider it wrong and rather pity and feel sorry for the people. It's not they're fault..."
"X3 Full Name: Black Grey Moon Nick-names: Black Age: 18 Gender: Female Species: D"
"Haya guys. I'm kinda new here..."
"Sure. Her Char is already made I'll post it and you can edit some, but not to much. If that's alright with you."
"And now i am posting form for charrs~ Full Name: Nick-names: Age: Gender: Species: Looks"
"(aww, i read it all though. )"
"(is it to late to join? I'm bored and hardly anyone is joining my soap)"
"Right now i need everyone but ben. Take your pick"
"Eh taken forget to say. I'm Ben. Sorry. But i'd really love you to join!"
"Ok so this is a bit of a Romeo, Juliet kinda thing. But with angels and demons. There will be the angel prince who meets and falls in love w..."
"(im bring this back and re posting!) I let "someone" go then pulled down my own sleeves so everyone could see the half healed cuts on"
"If u want more people i'll join"
"I let "someone" go then pulled down my own sleeves so everyone could see the half healed cuts on my wrists. There were about 10. "You should..."
Beth_la's Recent Quiz Comments
From now on all updates will only be posted on the forum!
Gtg forum > Literature > Fly…"
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From now on all updates will only be posted on the forum!
Gtg forum > Literature > Fly…"
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"I did it again cause i forgot to rate the first time... This time i got REALLY FUNNY! but shy..."
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"Opps, forgot my siggy.
~BethP.S. Please read my story! The first part can be found under Fly Free Chapter 1
^This is Mah…"
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"I got 685 lol i would make a quiz like this to see if someone was someone i could trust to tell EVERYTHING about me except it would get…"
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"Oh yeah and if you'll like this one try mine. No romance but lots of action.
P.S. Please read my story! The first…"
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"It's ok, but half the time, mark that out, the whole time it wasn't the way i would have responded.... Buts its a bit more entertaining…"
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"Its awesome but i gotta go"
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"Thanks James, lol. Part two is up for those that didn't catch that ;) "
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"Thanks for commenting :) There will two part 3s. One for if you got Loner on this one, and one for if you got friend. ;)"