Belphegor's Profile


Joined on Jun 1, 2020
Status Level: Junior

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Belphegor's Recent Posts

  • Loo Loo Land
    "I said brothers who are here"
  • Loo Loo Land
    "Says you. The most negative brother here."
  • Loo Loo Land
    "No, I'd just rather my partner is capable of defending themselves and not weighing me down with something so stupid as human limits 🙄"
  • Loo Loo Land
    "Poplar is the best student, he's so cute. And she has great plant magic plant and poisons go well together. Meanwhile yo"
  • Loo Loo Land
    "Hmphm who exactly do *you* thibk is the best? Because you're wrong"
  • Loo Loo Land
    "The best one"
  • Loo Loo Land
    "Gah! When did you get here??"
  • Loo Loo Land
    "I can. Satan can't. Because he's a child"
  • Loo Loo Land
    "Oh of course not! We were merely discussing how much we love you"
  • Loo Loo Land
    "No, I think I can see just fine from here. Besides, I'm waiting on someone who isn't too fond of the ocean ~"
  • Loo Loo Land
    "Of course I am ~"
  • Loo Loo Land
    "Oh Leviathan. I'm not afraid of the ocean."
  • Loo Loo Land
    "Oh? Can't I come and admire the ocean, big brother ~"
  • Loo Loo Land
  • Loo Loo Land
    "I'd rather no, no ^-^"

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