BellaRose's Profile

Joined on Mar 25, 2010
Status Level: Novice
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BellaRose's Quizzes
- What Season are You?[published: Mar 26, 2010, 14 comments]
Hello fellow quiz taker. Welcome to my first quiz. I hope there aren't distracting mistakes. I also hopeā¦…
BellaRose's Recent Posts
"I'm bored did I get your attention?"
"Come on, you won't regret watching it. It's nothing bad just funny."
"Pissed off because no one cares."
"Well isn't that nice. http ://ww m/watch?v=1yKNJKQ4KKY"
"[no urls]"
"Zomg I forgot about this one lol this was when I was a French girl."
"Oh I loved that show. They're making a movie?"
"Oh come on, even if you don't like manga let's not throw it in the fire. It is very good in fact. Have you ever read one? And if you have an..."
"I love it! It's awesome and yes very addicting!"
"But I guess that's pretty obvious by now lol"
"Nice to meet you Hammy. Yeah I speak French and English."
"Racism is stupid and annoying. All humans are equal."
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