be_my_escape's Profile


Joined on Feb 23, 2015
Status Level: Junior

Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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be_my_escape's Recent Posts

  • Account Counter
  • Hey Alex
    "sent it to you"
  • "spacepioneer14 @ for this one."
  • Account giveaway.
    "Be_My_Escape Password: welcometotheblackparade"
  • Account giveaway.
    "Hold on a second."
  • Please come here.
    "I've decided to leave. I know this is sooner than I promised. But everything's so f---ed up. I can't take this anymore. I just want to say t..."
  • Shadow's Thread
    "Why am I still on here? Nothing good comes out of it. f--- it, I'm leaving earlier then my birthday."
  • Shadow's Thread
    "She must be the reason that I'm depressed all of the time. I can't let her go after all of this pain...I know what will make me better. But ..."
  • "If the prick likes seeing blood so bad, I would track him down and mutilate him."
  • "Are you dickheads this rude? Are you going to report them? You could save somebody's life!"
  • "There's this guy called "Mrhappy3 on instagram. And they're telling people to kill themselves, and to self harm. Well, people are DMing him ..."
  • Shadow's Thread
    "I just realized how f---ed up my life is. Even at thirteen years old. But Nobody's pefect, right?"
  • "I'm only five pages in, and I'm crying."
  • "Holy s---, I need to retread this whole thread. I hate this thread name. I was twelve after all."
  • I miss the old days.
    "When I'd talk to finchy, and all of my other few friends. I'd stay in my thread all day and whine. I miss those days...I'm ashamed of what I..."

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