Batcorn's Profile

Joined on Dec 4, 2013
Status Level: Novice
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Batcorn's Quizzes
- Who do you ship? ~Batcorn~[published: Dec 09, 2013, 4 comments]
Okaii...this "quiz" is just to see who you'd ship from the Forums. They are plenty more but I only……
Batcorn's Recent Posts
"I ship Mae with Jeremy and Mae with Seth :3"
"^Calm down man, I was kidding. Jeez... 6"
"I'm fine, how are you?"
"@Doodle The ceiling, see ya? Hey Dnd ^^"
"o3o Looks delicious..."
"Never tried it before..."
"*Huggles you* People are douche-bags..."
"3: Aww..."
"Sorry if that made me seem heartless..."
"*Not happy =3= God dammit I always phucking forget a damn word, it pisses me off."
"Well, I do care and I'm pretty sure I'm happy that you have them :/"
Batcorn's Recent Quiz Comments
"It says different..."