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Joined on Jan 20, 2011
Status Level: Newbie
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"Your Result: Bluestar
You are Bluestar! You are very respectful, honorable, and noble. You defend the innocent, and you don't…"
0 -
"Your Result: Sunpelt
You are Sunpelt. A dark ginger she-cat with russet stripes and amber eyes. You love hunt and are fun-loving.…"
1 -
"You are 87% weird!!
For scores ranging from eighty five to one hundred percent weirdness, you are extremely weird! ! !
1 -
"Guess what? You got a 85%!
NIGHT OWL!!! you love night. It's when you feel best. You love staying up late. GOOD NIGHT!!!
2 -
"Your Result: Let's just say I'm suprised you guys arent dating.
Based on the answer you have choosen it's pretty clear that he is…"
1 -
"im 83% a good kisser. thats funny cause im only in the 6th grade and im elven!!"
1 -
"Your Result: Cody
He is every girls's dream! You two walk into the closet, he has an ah-mazing six-pack, goregous blond hair, and…"
1 -
"Your Result: 1 - Josh
number 1. Josh stands up, the hottie from your class, everybody is totally in to him! You are screaming…"
1 -
"Your Result: Hermione Granger
You are most like Hermione Granger! You tend to work alone, but have two best friends, Harry Potter…"
1 -
"max? thers a short freak in my grade max. no way!!!"