Barbatos's Profile

Joined on Jun 3, 2020
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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Barbatos's Recent Posts
"So you did drink something questionable. If you don't tell me what was in it, how can I help you?"
"And what did you ingest before coming out here?"
".... You okay down there?"
"Have a seat, would you like some tea?"
"I always appreciate gifts, I'm sure the staff would love the extra treats. Would you like to come in and have a seat?"
"Here to put a damper on my mood? That's sad, and I was going to offer you some sweets."
"[account owner: Ori] It's a beautiful day, today. Perfect day to sit outside and enjoy the sun."
"A wonderful day to serve Lord Diavolo."
"Indeed. What a wonderful day!"
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