balto30's Profile
Joined on Nov 30, 2014
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
balto30's Quizzes
- what one are you?[published: Nov 30, 2014]
all ways wondering if you are balto,jenna or pups well say no more this quiz will see who you are from theā¦…
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balto30's Recent Quiz Comments
"hey do you have a aj acount my user is ravenlover00839 plz buddy me"
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"the other power in wat ever one you make next she has the power of super speed and can turn in to dragons"
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"i got 1655 they are so wrong i am only 14"
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"was it made by emma or someone else"
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"100% the brains"
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"needle and thread"
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"sorry if you are just futtershy its my falut"
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