babe's Profile
Joined on Jul 11, 2011
Status Level: Newbie
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13-Year Club
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babe's Recent Posts
"I be internet family!"
"6 6 sick - Hello! Nice to meet you Kish - Oui! I might close this account down because of the username. I got "
"LoL. Oh dear."
"Kish - Oh! Ok. I am 16 too. Moyashi - Hello!"
"Hello Kish! Nice to meet you! Hello Heph (again).Sorry. :)"
"Hello, i am Xtine. (pronounced Christine). I am from Nice, France. How are you today?"
"Wooden Bridge - Is exactly the same as you would say "Christine", but its just an X. Sorry about the confusion."
"Thank you nikki knox!"
"Ok heph. Lol. :-)"
"Im sorry. But honestly that is my real name. You would say it as you would say Christine. But its just an X. sorry about that. Hello Mo!"
"Will do Moyashi. Thank you! Nice to meet you too"
"Pickle? Lol. Nice to meet you Heph. ( may I call you this?). Im Xtine."
"I was wondering if you had any tips on how to act\be mysterious. I tried it once, but people thought I was being moody. { FAIL } please, any..."
"Hello fp!"
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